The MidLife Coach

I run my own events and workshops, as well as offer keynotes talks, webinars, and workshops for companies on developing an empowered midlife mindset 

Speaking events, talks and workshops

I am passionate about empowering women to live a vibrant, valiant midlife.

An experienced speaker and workshop facilitator, my passion for helping women, along with my skill as a storyteller leads to inspiring and uplifting events that also deliver practical, empowering tools.

"Alana brought an inspiring energy to a highly informative talk, where she brought perspective and potency to highlight the context of women's lives today. She was entertaining as well as impassioned. She not only helped bring into focus how important it is for women to take radical responsibility for managing their emotional wellbeing, but provided some tools to do that."

Sinead McNamara, Founder, The National Menopause Summit

How can I help you?:

If you are looking for a dynamic webinar, workshop or talk on ways to support women in the workforce, how to explore the conversation or how women can invest in themselves, please do get in touch or download my speaker sheet below.

Having women be part of the conversation on how to build a better system for all, taking into consideration the differences and contributions of varied sectors of society, will create businesses, workplaces and a society that benefit all.

Please see my signature talks below.

The three main ways I can offer support are:

  • a company talk, bespoke to the needs of your audience, 
  • A workshop which will include the talk above but will include more time to get into questions and coaching and helping to work through some of the ideas in real time.  
  • A 1:1 coaching package for your staff to avail of which could be 3 one hour sessions to help them manage a particular work/life balance issue such as divorce, menopause, bereavement, juggling work and small family etc -  a neutral safe space to feel seen and heard and have the structure to work through solutions. 

Speaking clients and events include The Confidence Conversation, National Menopause Summit, LinkedIn, UCD Innovation Academy, Irish Distillers, Irish Hospice Foundation, AIB Life, Presidio, Kerry Businesswomen Network, LEO Women in Business Network, Dublin LEO, Louth LEO, M Word event, World Menopause Health Day, Dept of Enterprise, Trade & Employment, She Speaks Agency, Dara& Co and more

"Alana delivered an engaging, interactive, keynote speech followed by a panel discussion at LinkedIn entitled “Redefine the woman or redefine the system”. It was a pleasure to deal with Alana right from the beginning of our engagement. Her creative thinking was evident throughout the brainstorming sessions. Alana is very skilled at eloquently explaining different perspectives.  Nothing was ever too much of an ask, including taking the time to meet with the panellists individually to get to know them. The detailed planning culminated in an energetic, motivational, impactful event. Thank you, Alana!"
Ger Cashman, Employee Resource Group Leader, Linked In

 If you would like to chat about me speaking at your company or event, please email me directly at [email protected] for enquiries.

To keep up to date on workshops, webinars and events, follow me on Instagram @midlifecoach or sign up to my newsletter Your Midlife Matters

Let's talk
Download my Speaker Sheet

Empowering women to thrive,

not just survive, midlife. 

I develop bespoke workshops and talks, and with a powerful look at the pressures and possibilities facing women today, along with an empowering practical approach to managing midlife in a way that nourishes rather than drains. These are my signature, and most requested talks:


Empowered Midlife Mindset

We are the generations of women navigating the transition from patriarchy to equity, with unique possibilities and pressures. How do we tip the scales in our favour between those two systems - the outdated conditioning and unfair structures versus the potential and opportunities? This is an empowering talk to help women (and men) understand the context of their lives and how to invest in their emotional wellbeing by learning to know themselves, back themselves and believe in themselves, at home and in the workplace


Forget ageing gracefully... let’s Age Powerfully

This is the most exciting time to be a woman, yet also one of the most pressurised. Burnout and overwhelm are real and present dangers for women straddling the transition from a patriarchal society towards an equitable one. In that transition there are amazing opportunities and conversely incredible pressures. This inspiring talk will show women how to understand the context of their lives, protect their emotional health, and take radical responsibility for themselves, their careers and their potential. 



Thriving in the workplace

As we move towards a more equitable society, women have the opportunities to become whoever and whatever they want. Yet, there is still a deep hangover from a society that was built not for, or by, us. This talk will help your audience (both female and male) understand the context of women’s lives today, and how that impacts them. From having multiple care roles and double jobbing to menopause and ageing in an age of anti-ageing propaganda (and the intersection of gendered ageism that creates), women can feel isolated and unsupported at various times throughout their career. This empowering and practical talk will show the audience how to respond to internal needs and ambitions rather than constantly react to external demands and expectations.  


These talks will have a downloadable workbook available with key points and practical exercises to follow on from the talk. They can also be extended to a 2 / 3 hour workshop format with practical exercises and live coaching so the audience come away with tangible tools and bespoke insights. 


National Menopause Summit, April 2024

For two sold out days at the Aviva, hundreds of women invested time and energy getting the support and information they need to live vibrant valiant lives. It was a privilege to be part of the speaking lineup. 

For too long, women have been denied the proper information and support around their health.  We're also trying to thrive in a system and society not built for, or by, us. Which is why I was so thrilled to be speaking about ageing powerfully and how we can take advantage of this unique, extended midlife.

Keynote speech at LinkedIn

I was delighted to give the keynote speech across LinkedIn Europe for the Wisdom Employee and Women Employee Groups, on women redefining their roles and how the system needs to be redefined.  

The latest Deloitte Women At Work Survey reports that women are reporting alarming levels of stress, with work-life imbalance cited as their biggest pressure. This is echoed in the  2023 Amplifying Women at Work Report which found 86% of women surveyed feel just as – if not more – stressed than last year. 

I unpacked the unique context of women's lives today and explored how we define success and our ability to redefine and imagine that as we go through life. Moderating a panel discussion, we explored the intersectionality between us and I likened our generations as the rickety bridge between the women who couldn't and the women who are coming. As we think about the bridge we are going across today with bits missing, what one plank will you add to build a better bridge for those behind you?

"Alana kindly facilitated a talk for the Department in March 2022 on Redefining MidLife. Participants found her presentation very inspiring and empowering, with some participants saying it was the best presentation they have heard this year! Participants loved Alana’s positive and can-do attitude, and walked away from the session feeling their attendance was very worthwhile and with much food for thought." Sarah Bealin, Executive Officer, Learning and Career Development Unit, Department Enterprise, Trade and Employment

Alana Kirk, the Midlife Coach, was an invaluable addition to my Meno-Morphosis program, where she shared her expertise on ageing powerfully. Alana's session was nothing short of inspiring, leaving a lasting impression as she candidly told her own midlife journey—a story that resonated deeply with our group of midlife women. Her unique ability to understand our struggles and challenges and help us focus on what truly matters made all the difference. Instead of feeling stuck, we left with the clarity and tools to make meaningful changes. Alana is a woman I truly admire and respect, and I wholeheartedly recommend her for midlife coaching

Rachel Graham, Menopause Nutrition Clinic

Thank you very much for your brilliant contribution to the M Word event. We are getting rave reviews from so many women who went home enriched and empowered thanks to your wise words.

Aisling Grimley, Founder - and The M Word conference

Your talk was a smashing success. Thank you so much. A lot of women fed back about the power and insights they gained from your session.
Jillian McGill, Founder - Wild You Art, and Empowered Women Retreat

"What a fantastic morning with three inspiring women. I came away feeling ready to change. Thank you!" Kimberly, participant of The Confidence Conversation 

"Alana Kirk delivered two excellent webinars to LEO Dublin City Women in Business Network members in 2020 and 2021, 'How to Manage your Life and your Business" and "Money Mindset for Women".  Both webinars were well structured and full of motivational insights and practical tips relevant to the audience.  Alana brought a fun and empathetic style to the webinars that ensured that participants enjoyed the sessions while picking up valuable tips.Pauline Logan, Coordinator, LEO Dublin City Women in Business Network

Alana's talk on money mindset gives a whole new perspective to the relationship we, as women, have with money as well as a ton of practical tips on how to improve that relationship and grow our financial freedom. Our group took away so much value and we would highly recommend Alana.
Andrea McQuillan, President, - Network Ireland - Louth Branch

Alana provided a talk to DPER on International Women’s day which centred around the
#breakthebias theme. The talk was very well received within DPER and Alana was rated
as a very good speaker in a subsequent staff survey.
Jason Landon, HR Strategy Unit - Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Recent inteviews: 

You can tune in here to hear my guest podcast interview with the fabulous Sile Seoige on her Ready to be Real podcast. The response has been phenomenal and I'm really grateful for this chance to talk about ageing powerfully, taking radical responsibility and why women should not always believe their first thought. 

Other guest podcast interviews are:

 Another MindBody Story with the Aligned Body Coach Ana Stefan on why we must embrace the good, bad and ugly of our midlives. 

Your Truth Shared where I discuss the difference between ageing gracefully and ageing powerfully.

Fizz & Tell podcast by the UK's celebrity dating expert, Genevieve Gresset. Here was talked how to thrive in midlife, and the difference between sensuality and sexuality. 



Do you have your 5-a-day? Not of fruit & veg but of the the elements that make your day about YOU? Your interests, passions, purpose, joys, needs?  Women in midlife are the busiest, and least supported, cohort of society. We can forget to focus on our own personal needs, ambitions, desires, interests and the things we really enjoy. Sign up for my mini masterclass My Midlife Daily 5 for managing the mayhem - a 15 minute video and downloadable playsheets so that you come away with the 5 essential bespoke pillars to hold up your days. 

I love to write and talk about all things midlife women as an experienced speaker and media contributor.

I was recently a guest on RTE One's Tommy Tiernan show. Other media includes the Irish Times, Irish Independent and Woman's Way, and UK and Irish TV & radio including BBC Radio 4's Women's Hour, RTE ONE Tommy Tiernan Show, RTE Radio 1's Ray Darcy show, Brendan O'Connor Show, Newstalk's Pat Kenny show, Virgin Media 1's Ireland AM and many more.

 If you'd like to learn more about my speaking topics and availability, please do drop me your details below.