€560,00 EUR

My Midlife: Better, Bolder, Brighter

This is a 12 one-hour session programme (ideally weekly over 3 months to keep momentum, but adaptable because, you know, life!) This is the deep dive... we start with self-discovery so you're making the right decisions based on self-knowledge and connecting to yourself so you are responding to internal needs and desires, rather than just reacting to external demands and expectations; we then get into tangible planning and decision making and finally you start creating a life based on intention and habits, dealing with beliefs and habits so you feel empowered to live life on your terms.  Each session will be supported by email follow up and dynamic reflection exercises that builds on the impact of the coaching sessions.

The total cost of this programme is €1680, spilt into 3 payments of €560. (A different payment plan is possible).

What People Are Saying:

It has changed my way of thinking about almost everything!! It certainly has made me challenge my beliefs in myself, my attitude to what I am capable of, the realisation that I can make the choice to divert my energy into something positive rather than dwell on what I have no control over! It is very empowering. It has given me huge self-belief and peace of mind. I felt that I engaged with you from the very first minute we spoke. I really like your style – you have the extraordinary ability to enable me to express my feelings in an open and honest way. I don’t think I have ever been as honest with anyone else in my whole life! I never felt judged, but what I did feel was that you listened, understood where I was coming from and then gave amazing, positive and very honest advice. I didn’t think I would get to where I am at the moment in accepting that there are situations which I have no control over and that I just need to accept that. You have engrained in me the belief that I can do anything, or at least give it a try!! You have helped me to appreciate all my talents, who I can be, what I am capable of, all the good things in my life and how I can make things even better through self-belief, kindness to myself pride confidence and courage and lots of hard work!! I feel that I am taking control of my life and am moving towards a better future! I love the quote: “When life feels hard, it’s because it is hard!!” It’s a great mantra which I have adopted. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You’re a life-changer!

Joan Quigley